Senior Connection

Your Key to Senior Resources
PO Box 11929
Prescott AZ 86304
(928) 778-3747 voice
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Speakers Bureau
Currently Scheduled Presentations

The Speakers Bureau is an opportunity for your group to get the very latest information on a variety of subjects presented by local area Gurus.

These Presentations are part of our BrownBag Lunch Series, making it convenient for working folks to attend. Feel free to bring your lunch!

NO sales pitches are allowed. These are strictly educational Presentations.

Please check back regularly, we add new presentation venues often:




January 9, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Funeral Preparation Made Simple"
Presenter: William Davis, Funeralwise Preferred Advisor
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

January 23, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Chair Dancing and Medicine Fun"
Presenter: Mary Heller Dance Arts
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


February 13, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "House Cleaning is Good for Your Well-Being"
Presenter: Lucy Leyva, Prescott Maid To Order
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

February 27, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Alzheimer's Care - Consistency is Key"
Presenter: Ross Lubic, Meadows of Prescott Valley
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


March 13, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Widow's Security"
Presenter: Joe Allen, Lane Brothers Investment
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

March 27, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Loneliness & Isolation"
Presenter: Tom Benson - MATFORCE
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


April 10, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark"
Presenter: Clent Walker, Heritage Memory Mortuary
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

April 24, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


May 8, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

May 22, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


June 12, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

June 26, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


July 10, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

July 24, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


August 14, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

August 28, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


September 11, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

September 25, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


October 10, Friday 10am-3pm
Title: "Seniors & Caregivers Conference & Expo"
Presenters: Senior Connection
Location: Liberty Traditional School
3300 Lake Shore Drive, Prescott Valley 86314

October 23, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Falls & Strategies to Prevent Them"
Presenter: Keith Bluel, MT Valley Rehab Hospital
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


November 13, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: TBD
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301




(If your organization would like to host one of our Speakers Bureau Presentation events at your facility, please contact for information on how to apply.)



January 11, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Retirement Mortgage Myths and Facts"
Presenter: Rob Kanyur, Fairway Ind Mortgage
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

January 25, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Where Do I Live When I Can't Go Home"
Presenter: Kelly Paradis, Good Sam Society
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


February 8, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "TBD"
Presenter: Joe Allen, Lane Brothers Investment
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

February 22, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Brain Injury From Falls"
Presenter: Erin Aafedt, Mt Valley Rehab Hospital
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


March 14, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "Unforgettable Aging - Brain Fitness"
Presenters: Jen Beyst, Deanna Eder. Polara Health
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301

March 28, Thursday NOON-1pm
Title: "What's Killing Our Senior Adults?"
Presenter: Nikki Rosson, MATFORCE
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Dr, Prescott 86301


April 11, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Hospice - When Time Matters Most"
Presenter: Kelly Paradis, Good Samaritan Society
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

April 25, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Levels of Long Term Care"
Presenter: Bonnie Maxwell-Drake, The Landings - PV
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott 86301


May 9, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Widows Security"
Presenters: Joe Allen, Lane Brothers Investment
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

May 23, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Hospice 4-1-1"
Presenter: Cynthia Estrella, Compassus Hospice
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


June 13, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Moving Forward In Reverse"
Presenter: Bill Binkey, VIP Mortgage
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

June 27, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Wise Fiduciary Decision-Making"
Presenter: Dianne McNamara, of
Coventry, Vernon & Roberts
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


July 11, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Riding the Silver Tsunami"
Presenters: Rob Kanyur, Fairway Mortgage
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

July 25, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "The Empowered Caregiver"
Presenter: Alexis Ramirez, Alzheimers Association
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


August 8, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "I'm a Widow, Now What Do I Do?"
Presenter: Char Malone, Widows Might
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

August 22, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Leaving a Legacy of Love"
Presenter: Sarah Twombly, Good Samaritan Hospice
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


September 12, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "The Value of Advocacy"
Presenter: Bonnie Shimko, AZ Care Management
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott

September 26, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Unraveling Medicare"
Presenter: Lupe Aguilera, AZ Medicare Specialists
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


October 11, Friday 10am-3pm
Title: "Seniors & Caregivers Conference & Expo"
Presenters: Senior Connection
Location: Liberty Traditional School
3300 Lake Shore Drive, Prescott Valley 86314

October 24, Thursday, NOON-1pm
Title: "Aligning Estate Plans with your Objectives"
Presenter: Angela Walker, Walker Estate Attorneys
Location: American Lutheran Church
1085 Scott Drive, Prescott


November 14, Thursday, NOON-1pm
"Think Twice, Move Once"
Presenter: Keith Bluel, Mt Valley Reg Rehab Hosp
Location: Las Fuentes Resort Village
1035 Scott Drive, Prescott




(If your organization would like to host one of our Speakers Bureau Presentation events at your facility, please contact for information on how to apply.)


The information contained herein and throughout this Senior Connection website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended, nor should it be construed as legal, medical, emotional and/or financial advice. Inclusion of companies, individuals or agencies, or their services or products, does not constitute an endorsement by, the company, its parent corporation, its employees or interns. It is your responsibility to perform your own Due Diligence. Use of this information indicates your understanding of, and agreement to the above.

© 2014,; PO Box 11929; Prescott AZ 96304